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Conductor Number 9 its impact

People belonging to conductor number 9 may have to face problems in life due to their anger management. Thus, they are advised to control their anger and react in a calm manner.
They have strong self-confidence and do not like to be dependent on anyone for their works.
Due to these traits, people may think that they are egoistic person  They like to live a comfortable life even when they do not have many resources to fulfill their goals. 

People with conductor number 9 cannot face criticism and get stress out on being criticized. They are always ready to prove themselves, boss, to others, due to which people get irritated with them.
You are advised to control this negative character trait. These people are very talented and not many people are able to compete with you. to read the latest blogs CLICK HERE 

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People with conductor number 9 have a great ability to lead people and society. They are highly dedicated and honest in life. These people are very emotional at heart and cannot stop themselves from helping others. Due to these traits, they are very popular and have huge numbers of friends. They share a strong relationship with their friends and in response to it, their friends cannot stay away from them.

conductor number 9 negative and positive traits 

People belonging to conductor number 9 are very aggressive and are equally good humanitarian. They are believed to be risk-takers and adventurous They are cheerful in life and are fond of luxury. They always desire to enjoy life and work hard to achieve success. They believe in accomplishing their work on time and try to fulfill their responsibility properly which leads them to success.

People with conductor number 9 are attracted to beautiful things. They like attractive things in their surroundings. They achieve high position and respect on the basis of their bravery and hard work. They are not fear of any obstacles and try to face them with their courage.

Your creative and direct approach gives you the ability to implement your ideas well, and there are great opportunities for you in the future as an influential person. You may have the interest  to become an interior designer, an artist, a photographer, fashion designer However because your dream is to work for the upliftment  of society, you can certainly become a great politician, teacher, lawyer, leader, entrepreneur, etc. which may also help you in connecting with the right people on the right time for a right cause  This also makes you good humanitarian  because you are willing to surrender yourself to the society and work for its progress and development to read new blogs CLICK HERE 

Mr. Mohan Chandra a professional numerologist and numerology coach and Vastu Consultant, who is also the founder of Success Time in Numerology. He preaches the mantra of "LEARN - APPLY - GET RESULTS". He believes in sharing knowledge without holding anything back, He guides and motivates students to learn and transform not only their lives but also others.

  •  10 Years of Experience in Occult Science(Astrology, Numerology, Vaastu)
  •  Trained 500 Plus Students
  •  6000 Plus Delighted Clients
  •  Niche Base of Clients and Students all over India
  •  Multilingual Proficiency in teaching (English, Hindi, Telugu )



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Lo shu grid numerology foundation classes

Predictive lo shu grid advance level classes 

9-star ki lo shu grid master level classes 

Customized Vedic numerology advance level classes 

Chaldean numerology advance level classes 

Mobile & business numerology classes 

Vibrational numerology classes 

Zibu symbols & numerology number sequences classes 

Magical lo shu grid symbols & switch words classes 

Loshugrid vastu classes 

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